Computer Controlled Multipump Testing Bench
เครื่องทดสอบมัลติปั๊มที่ควบคุมด้วยคอมพิวเตอร์ (ปั๊ม 2 ประเภท), ช่วยให้นักเรียนศึกษาลักษณะการทำงานของปั๊มหอยโข่งและเกียร์ปั๊ม
Exercises and Practical Possibilities to be done with the Main Items
- Determination of the flow by a weir of thin wall in U-shape.
- Determination of the discharge coefficient of a weir of thin wall in U-shape.
- Determination of the curve Q vs r.p.m. of the centrifugal pump.
- Determination of the curve Q vs r.p.m. of the gear pump.
- Determination of the curve H vs Q for different r.p.m. of the centrifugal pump.
- Determination of the curve H vs Q for different r.p.m. of the gear pump.
- Determination of the mechanical power vs flow for different r.p.m. of the centrifugal pump.
- Determination of the mechanical power vs flow for different r.p.m. of the gear pump.
- Determination of the curve h vs the flow for different r.p.m. of the centrifugal pump.
- Determination of the curve h vs the flow for different r.p.m. of the gear pump.
- Determination of the map of a centrifugal pump.
- Determination of the map of a gear pump.
- Determination of the adimensional characteristic curves for the different type of pumps.
- Determination of the specific speed of the different pumps.
- Verification of the similarity rules for pumps of different geometry.
Additional practical possibilities: - Sensors calibration.
Additional practical possibilities to be done with the Recommended elements: (Not included)