Computer Controlled Multipump Testing Bench

เครื่องทดสอบมัลติปั๊มที่ควบคุมด้วยคอมพิวเตอร์ (ปั๊ม 2 ประเภท), ช่วยให้นักเรียนศึกษาลักษณะการทำงานของปั๊มหอยโข่งและเกียร์ปั๊ม


Exercises and Practical Possibilities to be done with the Main Items

  1. Determination of the flow by a weir of thin wall in U-shape.
  2. Determination of the discharge coefficient of a weir of thin wall in U-shape.
  3. Determination of the curve Q vs r.p.m. of the centrifugal pump.
  4. Determination of the curve Q vs r.p.m. of the gear pump.
  5. Determination of the curve H vs Q for different r.p.m. of the centrifugal pump.
  6. Determination of the curve H vs Q for different r.p.m. of the gear pump.
  7. Determination of the mechanical power vs flow for different r.p.m. of the centrifugal pump.
  8. Determination of the mechanical power vs flow for different r.p.m. of the gear pump.
  9. Determination of the curve h vs the flow for different r.p.m. of the centrifugal pump.
  10. Determination of the curve h vs the flow for different r.p.m. of the gear pump.
  11. Determination of the map of a centrifugal pump.
  12. Determination of the map of a gear pump.
  13. Determination of the adimensional characteristic curves for the different type of pumps.
  14. Determination of the specific speed of the different pumps.
  15. Verification of the similarity rules for pumps of different geometry.
    Additional practical possibilities:
  16. Sensors calibration.
    Additional practical possibilities to be done with the Recommended elements: (Not included)