Computer Controlled Heat Transfer Series


The physical phenomenon of transferring heat energy from one medium to another is called heat transfer, thermal transfer or heat transmission.If there is a difference of the temperature in any place, a heating transfer is produced. There are three different types of heating transfer process: conduction, convection and radiation:
– Conduction: Heat transfer by direct contact of particles of one material with those of another, without transferring matter between the bodies. The amount of heat transferred through conduction is determined by Fourier’s Law, according to which the speed of heat transfer through a body is proportional to the temperature gradient that exists in it.
– Convection: Convection is the transport of heat through the movement of a fluid, whether gaseous or liquid. This transfer is determined by Newton’s Law of Cooling, which states that a body loses its heat at a rate proportional to the difference in temperature between the body and its surroundings.
– Radiation: It is the heat emitted by a body due to its temperature, in this case there is no contact between the bodies, nor intermediate fluids that transport the heat. It is the only type of heat transfer that can occur in the absence of a physical medium, that is, in a vacuum. Its origin is in the thermal movement of charged particles of matter, which triggers the emission of thermal radiation, its intensity beingndependent on its temperature and the wave length of the radiation considered.